Beth West Photography - Issue One



Welcome to issue number one of my Second Life newsletter.  This newsletter will keep you posted on what I have done, what I am doing, and just some general nonsense.

The cover photo for this issue is an image I created this last week inspired by Audrey Hepburn.  The shape is my creation, and if you like it and would like to recreate Audrey, visit my store on the SL Marketplace and pick up the style card and shape.

It's a quiet time at the moment.  I am working with a fellow SL creative on bringing a fashion blog to life soon, so stay tuned for information on that.

My calendar will be available soon; this will show when I am available, so if you would like to organise a shoot, let me know.  Until my calendar is available, don't hesitate to message me or notecard me, and I will get back to you.

Black and White Days

Lately, most of my work has been in Black and White.  I've been enjoying shooting in black and white, and no, contrary to the misconception, it doesn't mean all my pictures have been crap, and I changed them to black and white to compensate.

I love playing with the different tones (there are 50 shades of grey, did you know?) and focussing on telling a story without the distraction of colour.

The other major focus of my recent work has centred around the eyes.  I have been looking at how I can pose them to create emotions and feelings, whether explicit or subtle.  The eyes should always tell a story.

Inspired by: Pamela Hanson


I was struggling for ideas at the start of the year.  My main focus at the backend of 2022 had been my naughty image page at DeviantArt.  Building that up and getting an audience was important, as it provided a revenue stream.

However, at the start of 2023, I felt a little "naughtied out".  I started watching videos on YouTube made by an Australian photographer called Peter Coulson.  He does fashion photography but in a way that is different from the fashion photography I had seen.

I had always thought of fashion photography as soulless pictures of waifs wearing cardboard dioramas on their heads and a bin bag on their bodies while actors and singers sit beside a stage on their mobile phones looking board.

So, seeing how they could be creative inspired me.

I have also set up a Pinterest board for those lulls when I need an idea.  It's also something I can share with people who say, "Can you shoot me?" as a way to get them thinking about what they want.


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